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Me and my partner Ian searched high and low for a professional photographer, at an affordable price for our upcoming wedding. With Genesia we definitely found that here! Lance from Genesia displayed true passion, enthusiasm and motivation that we desired for our special day! Lance from Genesia warmly welcomed us, and provided us with an excellent affordable tailored package. The package was everything we wanted and more, at a considerable lower price to other mused options. Lance offered us guidance and advice throughout the whole process. We finally came away with wellbeing and re-assurance, truly confident in our selection. The Big day came! Lance was at the venue before anyone else, awaiting to snap our memories. Lance was excellent during the whole day, kindly offering direction and guidance throughout photographs - helping with photo selection and direction. Our magical day had passed and we were eager to see our memories. Lance swiftly informed us our photos were ready! The moment came! A heartfelt moment, and were overwhelmed with how well the photos came out! We were so happy with the outcome, the level of effort and professionalism from Lance was remarkable - All our memories were captured beautifully. Hands on our hearts we highly recommend Genesia. We were delighted with the level of service, and we are delighted with our photos. All the best to Lance and Genesia, well done! An outstanding performance. Ian, Natalie Pacey.

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