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I was not entirely happy or satisfied with a recent product that I purchased from this stall in the Rotherham market because when I got home the product did not work and the electrical item that I purchased was not safe and it was faulty because when I came to use it and plug in in to the socket there was a big bang and it started to spark and smoke which was very dangerous and not very good at all. This product cost me £30.00 and the man who owned the stall in the market did not give me a receipt for my item. I did manage to get the same product from eBay with free delivery for £10.99 which was all working safe and correctly. I would avoid using this stall in the Rotherham market at all costs because in my opinion the item which I bought did not meet the correct safety regulations and I felt like I was totally ripped off and I was £30.00 out of pocket and the faulty electrical item could have caused a fire. It did not give me the option to leave no stars in this review because if it did that is what I would have left 0 stars.

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