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Ordered a taxi tonight we had a baby high chair and a fold up pram (silver cross wayfarer folds flat) we where planning on leaving the high chair because we didn't think it would fit so was pleased when a Zafira turned up this meant we could put the high chair in. Unfortunately as I started to walk towards the car the driver started to wave then proceeded to say he couldn't even fit that in when I went to say it will fold flat he said will send another taxi and drove off in other words he couldn't be arsed to put the seats down. So really grateful for the useless service. we cancelled in the end, I remember why I stopped using A1 now. we have just clicked on the tracker to get the drivers name and it now says the driver could not find us... this is laughable. The driver was Tauseef so if you see this name tell them to swivel and send another driver maybe from another company.

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